Bucks County is governed by the three-member Board of Commissioners, who oversee a workforce of nearly 2,400 employees, dedicated to providing a complete range of services to Bucks County residents and businesses. The County seat is located in Doylestown, in the heart of Bucks County. The official web site of the County of Bucks is www.buckscounty.org.
Bucks County is also home to 54 municipal governments (townships or boroughs). Due to the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Code, township and borough officials play a critical role in the permitting and approval process for business relocations and expansions. For businesses that are unfamiliar with the municipal approval process, BCEDC staff can make introductions to the appropriate municipal officials and serve as an advocate for strategic company expansion projects.
We are represented in Harrisburg by a contingent of eleven State Representatives and four State Senators.
In the US House of Representatives, Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick represents the 8th Congressional District, which includes all of Bucks County and a portion of Montgomery County. Pennsylvania is represented in the US Senate by Senators Robert Casey, Jr. and Patrick J. Toomey.