We are proud to present the draft Bucks2040 Vision Plan, the initial document of Bucks2040, Building Our Future Together, comprehensive plan. At its November 1, 2023, meeting, the BCPC board motioned to officially begin the 45-day review process, as required by PaMPC Section 302(a.1.).
The Bucks2040 Vision Plan serves as an introduction to our comprehensive plan process and frames the discussion of our shared future. The plan establishes plan principles, key issues, and common ideas of importance and sets the stage for the actions we will take to meet future challenges.
The vision plan does not signal the end of our process, but the beginning. Bucks2040 comprehensive planning is one of continual collaboration with stakeholders to develop policies, partnerships, and strategies for achieving our goals.
Please click on the image below to view the plan. A public meeting for the plan is scheduled for the BCPC board’s December 6, 2023, meeting. If you have comments on the plan, please send them to Bucks2040@buckscounty.org.