Hundreds of local companies have become BCEDC members and have remained members for decades. Professionals like you support BCEDC’s mission to create a strong and vital economy for Bucks County and in return create and retain jobs for Bucks County residents.
Our membership consists of Manufacturers, Financial Consultants, Real Estate Specialists, Business Owners, Engineers, Lawyers and Utility Specialists, just to name a few.
Membership dues $100 per person/per calendar year. Please click the button below, fill out the application form and submit your payment. You will have the option to pay with credit card or to mail a check to the BCEDC (Choose “offline payment”).
- Advocacy for our Members: We support our members by referring their services to all inquiries inside and outside of our membership base.
- Economic Development Expertise: Assist you or your client with the relocation or expansion in Bucks County.
- Financing Assistance: Innovative ways to finance your business through low interest loan programs.
- Membership Directories: Access to membership profiles.
- Networking Events: BCEDC’s hosts one of the largest economic development networking events in Buck County.
- Newsletter: The Bucks Prospectus offers news about business and industry in Bucks County, information on our Financial tools, current economic development issues in the county and recent happenings about our partners.
- Sponsorship Opportunities
To learn more about Membership, please contact Kelly Doughty at 215-348-9031.