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A Regular Feature to Help Your Business Improve Its Profitability

Collaboration to Support Manufacturing

The Manufacturing Alliance of Bucks & Montgomery Counties was created to establish a strong manufacturing partnership of private and public sector partners that collectively and collaboratively utilize their talent and available resources to develop and advance the technical skills of their workforce and provide opportunities for growth and increased profitability.

The goals of the alliance will be to increase the supply of qualified employees available to manufacturers, reduce barriers to growth, become financially self-sufficient and increase utilization of public and private services, funding and financial incentives.

The MA BC/MC was organized under some specific principles that will help propel its growth and increase its value to area manufacturers. Specifically MA BC/MC will be led by manufacturers, have a bias for results rather than talk, focus on common issues important to manufacturers, be a catalyst for pooling and realigning fragmented public/private resources to support manufacturers’ objectives and cooperate to share best practices, leverage, influence, and address common needs.

As an Alliance, we are committed to being the forum for discussion, strategies and group problem solving so that the regional and global issues affecting our members can be addressed on both a micro and macro level. The strength of our Alliance will be in networking for results.

An alliance is only as strong as its partnerships and the MA BC/MC was established by the following partners The Montgomery County Development Council, Bucks County Economic Development Council, Bucks & Montgomery County Workforce Investment Boards as well as Montgomery County Community College. Through these partnerships and others the MA BC/MC has ensured it has the resources and commitment from regional leaders to be a sustainable asset to the region for many years to come.

If you have questions or comments please contact the Alliance Coordinator, Anthony Newberry, anewberry@bc-wib.org.