215-348-9031  |  115 WEST COURT STREET  |  2ND FLOOR  |  DOYLESTOWN, PA 1890



Reliable, Affordable, Sustainable

Our grid is very similar to our highway and local roadway system. Transmission is the highways, delivering electricity efficiently and safely over long distances. Improving and expanding transmission provides reliable, affordable, sustainable electricity.

PPL started investing heavily in their transmission system in 2013, and continued this work every year since.

They’ve upgraded old lines with stronger poles and wires, added new technology and built new lines and substations, where needed. Their customers are seeing the results.

Transmission is the backbone of the electric grid. It provides reliable, affordable, and sustainable electricity for the future.

Renewable energy sources – like wind and solar – present new challenges. A strong transmission system provides solutions to connecting renewables in a reliable, affordable way.

PPL Electric Utilities has more than 5,300 miles of transmission lines that help serve millions of people in central and eastern Pennsylvania. Their reliability is consistently among the best in
the nation.

That level of dependable performance is built on a strong foundation of robust, resilient transmission.

Throughout their service territory, the transmission team has been replacing aging equipment, adding and upgrading substations and protecting against physical and cyber threats. Because of these improvements, there are fewer transmission outages and they are better prepared for threats to our system.

PPL's continued investment will improve service, support economic development, reduce future operating costs and connect to cleaner energy for the future.