215-348-9031  |  115 WEST COURT STREET  |  2ND FLOOR  |  DOYLESTOWN, PA 1890


PIDA Loan Rates

Listed below are the updated interest rate options for the PIDA loan program. These rates are in effect for loan applications received through March 31, 2019.

For Real estate loans financing eligible land and building costs, borrowers will have the following interest rate options:

For term loans with a regular amortization:

1. Fixed interest rate for the full term of the loan (up to a 15-yr. period), set at the current ten-year treasury yield + 100 basis points. Based on the current ten-year treasury yield, the fixed rate option is 3.75% for the life of the loan.

2. Fixed interest rate for a seven year period set at the ten-year treasury yield. After seven years, the rate will reset to the then-current ten-year treasury yield. Please note, the reset rate is limited to a 200 basis point increase/decrease. The reset rate is then fixed for the duration of the loan. Based on the current ten-year treasury yield, the rate for the initial seven year period is 2.75%.

For ten-year term loans with a 20-year amortization period:

1. Fixed interest rate for the full term of the loan (ten-year period). This option is calculated using the ten-year treasury yield +100 basis points. Based on the current ten-year treasury yield, the fixed rate option is 3.75% for the life of the loan. 

2. Fixed interest rate for a five year period set at the ten-year treasury yield. After five years, the rate will reset to the then-current ten-year treasury yield. Please note, the reset rate is limited to a 200 basis point increase/decrease. The reset rate is then fixed for the duration of the loan. Based on the current ten-year treasury yield, the rate for the initial five year period is 2.75%.

For Equipment loans: 3.75% fixed rate for the full term of the loan.

For Working capital and accounts receivable lines of credit – 3.75% fixed rate for 12 month period.

For Pollution prevention and energy efficiency loans – 2.00% fixed rate for the full term of the loan.