BCEDC Annual Event Sponsorships are Available
The 63rd Annual Event & Reorganization Meeting will be held at the Northampton Valley Country Club on September 21, 2022. Invitations and registration will begin in July.
Foundation and Terrace level sponsorships are still available.
Roof Top $6000 - SOLD
- 8 Event Tickets
- Full page, full color ad in BCEDC Newsletter, Bucks Prospectus, 2 consecutive editions
- Listed on table tents displayed on every Event table
- Logo/Tag line listed on event web page and throughout the year on the Partnership web page
- 2 minute presentation at the Annual Event
- Table for handouts
Gallery $4000 - SOLD
- 6 Event tickets
- Full page, full color ad in BCEDC Newsletter, Bucks Prospectus, 1 edition
- Listed on table tents displayed on every Event table
- Logo/Tag line listed on Annual Event web page and throughout the year on the Partnership web page
- Logo displayed in Presentation at the Annual Event
- Table for handouts
Mezzanine $2500 - SOLD
- 4 Event Tickets
- Listed on table tents displayed on every Event table
- Logo/Tag line listed on Event web page and throughout the year on the Partnership web page
- Listed in Annual Event presentation
- Table for handouts
Terrace $1000 - Unlimited Available
- 2 Event Tickets
- Listed on table tents displayed on every Event table
- Listed on right hand column of Annual Event web page and throughout the year on the Partnership web page
- Listed in Annual Event presentation
- Table for handouts
Foundation $500- Unlimited Available
- Listed on table tents displayed on every Event table
- Listed on right hand column of Annual Event web page and throughout the year on the Partnership web page
- Listed in Annual Event presentation
- Table for handouts
Payment can be made via check to BCEDC, 115 W. Court St., Doylestown, PA 18901. Questions? Please contact Kelly at 484-352-4173.