Playbook for Manufacturing Competitiveness
Manufacturing in Pennsylvania is vibrant, innovative, and a path to economic success for many across the commonwealth. Today, Pennsylvania boasts over 14,000 manufacturing companies including household names like Hershey and Crayola; mainstays of industry like US Steel and Westinghouse; leaders in life science like Merck and Sanofi Pasteur, and manufacturing startups like Gilson Snow, one of the world’s fastest-growing snow sports companies.
Pennsylvania’s innovative companies make everything from polarized filters and snowboards to powdered metal parts and sustainable products made from recycled materials.
The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Advisory Council was launched in July 2021 with support from Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development to facilitate and energize the attention for manufacturing. The Council seeks to provide a stronger, more unified state-level voice for manufacturers – to tell the story of what Pennsylvania manufacturing is and what it can be.
It is critical that we focus attention on our manufacturing sector to ensure its viability in years to come. PA MAC engaged with Pennsylvania manufacturing leaders through focus groups and a survey to identify what they see as the sector’s greatest challenges and opportunities. Based on in-depth research and input from over 500 manufacturers, the Manufacturing Advisory Council—representing private and public interests—developed Pennsylvania's Manufacturing Competitiveness Playbook, which identifies three game changers and ten related recommendations to turn around Pennsylvania’s economic performance in manufacturing.